Route of Carrilet I of Olot in Girona

Route of Carrilet I of Olot in Girona

The Carrilet I Route crosses three counties and twelve towns, as well as places of great scenic, ecological and cultural importance, through its 54 km of compacted salon. The road that formerly linked La Garrotxa and Gironès, now allows you to discover the natural resources of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone, and among others, the urban centers of Anglès where you will read history in each of its stones.

Kilometers: 54 km.
Unevenness: 1.5%.
Difficulty: Medium.
Pavement: compacted ridge.
Maximum altitude: 620 m (Coll d'en Bas)
Minimum altitude: 70 m (Gerona)

The Carrilet I Route is a 54-kilometre section that crosses three counties and twelve towns, crossing the valleys of the Fluvià, Brugent and Ter rivers. Near Girona, we find Salt, a municipality closely linked to the Ter, first by the peasantry and later by the arrival of the textile industry. Following the route, we arrive at Bescanó, a municipality characterized by modernist hydroelectric power stations. One of the most outstanding is at the exit and still has its original machinery. On the other side of the river is the town of Bonmatí, where taking a walk allows you to see one of the colonies that used the water from the Ter. Following the passage of the river, we can make out Anglès, whose upper part preserves vestiges of the walled medieval town, while in the old quarter the modernist houses stand out.

We conclude the route from Gironès to Amer, a nucleus created in the 10th century around a monastery, of which the church and the abbey dependencies remain, which house the Ethnological Museum, with more than 2,500 pieces. Another remarkable element is the Porxada square, one of the largest and most elegant in Catalonia.

Next, we enter the region of La Garrotxa. The Amer fault sank the margins between Planes de Hostoles and Sant Feliu de Pallerols by more than 1,000 meters. This fault is responsible for the volcanoes that characterize the area. We are in the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa. If we look closely, arriving at Sant Feliu de Pallerols we will see numerous volcanic rocks on the sides of the path. We find all kinds of volcanoes that can be visited. Lovers of volcanoes and geology have a mandatory visit.

Shortly after the Plains of Hostoles, we find a castle from the 9th century and, further on, the pools, natural spots made of tartar and travertine, where we can also bathe if the weather is good. Arriving at Sant Esteve d'en Bas, we see a wide valley with a flat bottom, surrounded by very steep reliefs, dominated by the Puigsacalm. Between Les Preses and the Sant Roc springs, you can visit the Pedra Tosca park, a swampy terrain in some places from which the numerous rock fragments expelled by volcanism had to be removed.

Going through the secrets of the greenways, we will get to know some towns in the Bas Valley, such as Hostalets and Mallol, where we find traces of Remenca history and from where we can contemplate the beauty of the reliefs that surround them.

Route of Carrilet I of Olot in Girona

If we go into Olot, the capital of La Garrotxa, we will see the most important volcanic landscape in the entire Iberian Peninsula. In the Casal dels Volcans we find all the information about the volcanic situation of La Garrotxa. Don't miss the earthquake simulator!

Despite the aspect linked to volcanism characteristic of the area, modernist architecture and other styles also have a strong imprint in Olot, where the constructions of the cloister of Carmen or the church of Sant Esteve stand out. You cannot miss the Can Trincheria House Museum, which houses a monumental nativity scene.

The Carrilet Route that goes from Olot to Girona has a gentle slope from Olot (440 m) that goes down to Girona (70 m). Its highest point is located in the Bas pass, 558 meters above sea level. The route, suitable for pedestrians and bicycles, is in very good condition and is equipped with new bridges, railings and signage.

What to do

Viles Florides

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Granja de cavalls i ponis, eQuillet

La Vall d'en Bas (a 1.5 Km)

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La Fageda

Santa Pau (a 5 Km)

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Fang Aventura

Sant Miquel de Campmajor (a 13 Km)

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Where to eat

Braseria Les Comes

L’Esquirol (a 10.5 Km)

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Restaurant La Moixina

Olot (a 1.5 Km)

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La Santa Restaurant

Ribes de Freser (a 29.8 Km)

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Restaurant Dachs

Les Llosses (a 28.7 Km)

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Where to sleep

Càmping la Fageda

Olot (a 3.6 Km)

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Mas el Carrer

Santa Pau (a 9.1 Km)

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Monestir de Sant Salvi

Santa Coloma de Farners (a 10.9 Km)

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Can Baldiri

Santa Coloma de Farners (a 7.5 Km)

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