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At we want to make Catalonia known in all its senses. Our objective is to disseminate the festivals and traditions, fairs and culture, as well as transmit the natural and historical places that make the Catalan territory one of the best destinations to discover and re-visit.

That is why we propose a wide variety of options. We make our platform available to town halls, entities and establishments of all kinds to promote and disseminate their activity. In this way, our public can consult all the events and places of interest, that enrich Catalonia, on a single website.





If you think that these plans do not suit your needs, you can contact us by email at or by phone 931 41 44 14. We will study your situation and create a personalized plan to make sure we meet your specific needs.


Raffle: Win 2 double tickets for a guided tour of the Tarragona…

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Sant Julià de Lòria offers the theatrical and musical itinerary…

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Instagram Raffle: Win a night + breakfast + Spa session with…

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