Shrines in Solsonès

Shrines in Solsonès

The Solsona is, as described at the time Josep Pla: one of the regions that form the "highlands of Tenerife, cold, exposed to the gusts of wind of the Pyrenees, agriculturally lean and admirable restraint" and which stands out as a sparsely populated.

Despite having fifteen municipalities, most of the population live in farmhouses scattered throughout the territory. Why the Solsona is also known as "the region of a thousand farms."

Within the region itself, however, can distinguish different realities that differ between the south and north of this area.

The south is characterized by a relief formed by medium mountains and agricultural plains known as land of grain and good sausages.

In contrast, the northern Solsona , part of the Pyrenean foothills, stands out as an area of high and steep mountains.

However, the whole region shares the fact conceal great artistic and religious works in unusual places that stand at the heart of Catalonia.

The Solsona, land of farms and sanctuaries

The Solsonés besides being a land of farms has several shrines that stand out for their uniqueness, whether by its location in unique places such as his legacy.

Shrines in Solsona (Valley Lord) These centers, in addition to safeguarding an important architectural and artistic legacy, let us know the popular imagination of the legends of the area and the traditions of the area.

In a remote and quiet west side location of the municipality of Riner , surrounded by nature, making Benedictine monks living at the Shrine of Miracle, one religious center in Catalonia, declared of National Interest.

In Llobregós Valley, in the geographic center of Catalonia as indicated by a compass carved in stone, Pinos Shrine stands in the northern part of the mountain range of the same name.

To the north of the region of Solsona , particularly in the valley Lord, in an exceptional location on the mola Lord is Lord Sanctuary.

The former term is Terrassola Massarrúbies Sanctuary, Romanesque, whose history is part of the legends of the gods carved mother not wanting to be moved from its original location.

Also, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Puig-Aguilar becomes another significant viewpoints of the region, and that from this you can enjoy a magnificent view.

Miracle Sanctuary

The Shrine of the Miracle stands out as a religious center built in several stages spread over different centuries, collecting architectural samples of 500 years.

This was abandoned in 1872 until 1886 when it was acquired by Antoni Freixes who delivered him to the diocese of Solsona .

Shrines in Solsona (Miracle Sanctuary Riner) The origin of the Shrine of the Miracle is the result of the appearance of the Virgin, in 1458, two pastors, and Jaumet Celdoni sons of a farmhouse located 500 meters north of the church.

The construction of the sanctuary of the chapel built in 1459 in the original space where the Virgin appeared to them the two brothers shepherds, and was modified over time, because, for example, was enlarged in 1531 and hosted the altarpiece is exposed today in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Thus, in addition to a tour of the history of architecture also reveals a great artistic legacy.

From the chapel were formed in order of construction, integrated by an old lodge and the Big House, the Benedictine monastery, the cells and the whole house of spirituality.

Both the church and the Big House and the monastery limit Square Sanctuary to the north, east and west. On the south side, about 30 meters, about the church, is the Memorial Cross which commemorates the place where Celdoni saw the Virgin appear.

Currently, the Benedictine monastery is occupied since 1901 by monks from Montserrat.

Also, the sanctuary hosts, occasionally, people, individual or group seeking peace and tranquility through an atmosphere of prayer, reflection and silence.

The cells are another possibility to stay in the sanctuary, especially for those seeking a place to relax and rest surrounded by nature.

Sanctuary of Santa Maria de Pinos

Following the path to the village of Ardèvol, through Su, you reach the Sanctuary of Pinos, near tower defense Township.

Shrines in Solsona (Sanctuary Pines Solsones) This is, in particular, at the top of the mountain pine over 900 meters, at the geographic center of Catalonia. This is reminiscent of a compass rose carved in stone here.

It's no wonder, then, that from this center of devotion and viewpoints can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the Pyrenees where they are present, Collsacabra and Montseny.

Origins of the Sanctuary of Santa Maria de Pinos back, again, to the appearance of the Virgin in the sixteenth century in this place, even before there was already a place of worship dedicated to St. Mary, which was built by Templars in 1312 and soon passed into the hands of hospital.

Near the shrine is a stately building and the hostel, which is considered the oldest hostel opened in Catalonia. Both the manor and guest house began to build in the XVI century.

Shrine of Lord

North of Solsona , on top of the mole Lord, Lord Sanctuary stands.

This one you can only get after a walk of 20 minutes, as it is located on a hill and is isolated by cliffs. Thus, the ascent to this temple, by itself, and offers the chance to see and enjoy exceptional scenery.

Shrines in Solsona (Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Lord Solsones) This building stands out as bare and simple.

The origins of the shrine date back to 989 but this was destroyed in 1836 when faded image of the Virgin which stands out as a black virgin. However, in 1847 he regained worship and in 1870 the new church was consecrated and the image of the Virgin was returned.

But the transformation of the center do not stop there. In 1896 he suffered a major fire caused by lightning. However the image of the Virgin was rescued.

The image of the Mother of God, says the legend, was discovered by a bull that did not stop bawling until a shepherd came to the place and found the discovery he had made the beast into the ground.

On the side walls of the church is represented by paintings, the discovery of the Virgin.

Sanctuary Massarrúbies

Massarrúbies Sanctuary is located in the town of Lladurs , near the farmhouse Cabiscol.

Shrines in Solsona (holy mother of ten Massarrúbies Lladurs) The sanctuary consists of two side chapels and a dome on the part of the altar. Nearby, the cemetery.

This construction is Romanesque, which, like many others, underwent several transformations over time. This was extensively renovated in the seventeenth century.

The image of the Virgin is in the Gothic style and is located in the Renaissance altarpiece.

The legend tells that the finding was a shepherd of the house of Cabiscol who found the carving, and took her home saying "wearing something nice." But when he unwrapped it was gone. And so it happened several times, then returned to the same site and returning to find. This home shared his findings and knowledge and whenever they wanted to move the image of the source, in order to show the authorities, became heavier. Until finally, they returned to Cabiscol, his native place, and lightened. Then they understood that the will of the virgin was last in that place with the Marian Shrine of Massarrúbies.

Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Puig-Aguilar

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Puig-Aguilar, in the municipality of Guixers , perched on the top Puig Aguilar, as the name suggests, about 1,200 meters.

Shrines in Solsona (Sanctuary of Santa Maria de Puig Aguilar Guixers) To get there, follow the road from Sant Llorenç de Morunys and Berga and swerve towards the Corriu.

This set, dated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in Romanesque and baroque consists of the church with a single nave and attached to the facade bell, although this was raised with a rectangular body in the head he held the role of sacristy and a porch at the front door.

This church glorifies Mary, and is the representation of the image with the kids in the right arm and an eagle.

Legend says it was in this place where the Virgin appeared to a shepherd of the house fortified tower Corriu, and admiration, at that time, neighbors of Vilacireres, Pratforniu, Moripol Sisquer and led to will build the sanctuary.

What to do

Castell de Cardona

Cardona (a 13.2 Km)

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Solsona Experience, descobreix el Solsonès

Solsona (a 5.6 Km)

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Museu de les Trementinaires

Josa i Tuixent (a 10.5 Km)

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Avià (a 14.8 Km)

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Where to eat

Bar Restaurant El Jardí

Sant Llorenç de Morunys

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Hostal de Pinós


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Restaurant Apartaments Els Roures

Castellar del Riu (a 11.2 Km)

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Restaurant Font Freda

Castellar del Riu (a 11.1 Km)

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Where to sleep

Càmping Fontfreda

Berga (a 11 Km)

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Les Corts de Biosca

Sant Mateu de Bages (a 8 Km)

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Hostal Cal Francisco

Gósol (a 11.2 Km)

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La Torreta d'Olius

Olius (a 6.2 Km)

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