Route of the cabins back

Route of the cabins back

Les Garrigues is a region with an abundant heritage of dry stone constructions, among which the vaulted cabin stands out, its most emblematic construction. In an inventory compiled by Josep Preixens, there are cataloged more than a thousand cabins with nine different roof styles. In these cabins life was made during the time of picking the olives, tilling and pruning.

On this route, which includes the terms of Les Borges Blanques, Castelldans, L'Albi and Vinaixa, we will find nine cabins, a cogulla, a raft and a cistern. As for the roof styles, five cabins have a barrel vault, which is the one that predominates in the region, with 82% of the total and the other types that we will find are: pointed vault, false dome, roof of slabs and covered with girders and slabs.

Approximate time to complete the route: minimum 3 hours by car.


Municipality of Castelldans

Cal Felipet's Cabin

Cabin with barrel vault roof, 38 stone courses; the interior surface is 32 m2 and the height is 2.97 m. Entering the cabin, to the left we find the fireplace and two cabinets built into the wall. On the back wall is the trough.

On the highest post on the left side of the door we can see a sundial.

Cal Felipet raft

Hole dug in the ground and paved with stones, which collects rainwater for the consumption of the farmer and his pack animal.
Some steps allow access to the water when it descends in level.

In front of the raft we can see a stone sink where the pack animal was abbreviated.

Municipality of Les Borges Blanques

Quarry Cottage

Cabin with a barrel vault roof of 34 courses of stones; the interior surface is 29 m2 and the height of the vault is 2.80 m. On the interior wall that closes the cabin, next to the door, we can see a stone with engraved crosses.

Cal Quintana's Cabin

Two-story cabin with a barrel vault roof of 40 stone courses; the interior surface is 39 m2 and the height of the vault is 4.60 m.
The door is found framed with three stone studs per side or lintel; Above the lintel we can see a discharge arch.

Entering the cabin, to the left we can see the fireplace; next, a cupboard built into the wall, and in front of the cupboard on the other side, a stone sink.

Cogulla de Cal Quintillà

Cavity with a rectangular floor plan, dug into the rock, which collects the rainwater that falls into the surrounding rocky area through streams or sinks in the rock for the consumption of the farmer and his pack animal.

Municipality of Vinaixa

Joan Miró's cabin

Cabin covered with a pointed vault of 35 courses of stones that has its beginning one meter from the ground; the interior surface is 9.50 m2 and the height of the vault is 3.40 m.
In the background on the left side, we can see the feeder of the pack animal. On the floor of the roof we find lilies planted to compact the earth with their roots.

Isidre Mas's Cabin

Cabin covered with a barrel vault, with 19 courses of stones; the interior surface is 17 m2 and the height of the vault is 2.90 meters.

The feeder for the pack animal is found on the back wall of the cabin; On the left side we can see the fireplace and three cabinets, and in the central part of the right side, another cabinet, all of them integrated into the wall.

Cistern of Isidre Mas

Cistern dug into the rock and covered with masonry, which collects the rainwater that falls on the large rock next to it through streams that carry it inside.

The water was used for the consumption of the farmer and his pack animal. The interior surface is 4.8 m2 and the depth is 2.12 m.

Victor Guasch's Cabin

Cabin covered with 5 stone and slab girders, with an interior surface of 9 m2. The door is found framed with well-crafted stone studs and lintel. In front of the door we can see a stone cube that served as a table and a stone sink.

The hut was used by the stonecutter who worked the quarry, whose remains can still be seen around the hut.

Municipality of L'Albi

Cal Cintet's Cabin

four large slabs; the bottom one is broken, and gives the impression that there are five slabs. Facing northeast, it has an interior surface area of 8.20 m2 and a height of 2.20 m. The walls of the cabin slope inwards so that the slabs can span them; above the slabs we find pedruscallo and earth to waterproof the cabin.

Cal Jaume Cándio's cabin

Cabin with a false dome roof finished with four small slabs, facing south.
Inside we find two apartments covered with two false domes. The first department was the dwelling of the farmer and preserves the false dome in perfect condition; the other department was used as a stable and we can still see the feeder for the pack animal.

The cover of the stable is found half collapsed, which allows us to see the arrangement of the stones in a false dome. One meter from the floor of both apartments we can see the shells in the corners, large stones that allowed us to go from the rectangle at the base to the circular vault that covers the cabin.

Municipal area of El Vilosell

Cottage of the Cortijo de Linyà

Cabin covered with flagstones. Inside, there is the chimney with the smoke built into the wall and the feeder for the pack animal. The side walls of the cabin slope inwards so that the two slabs can span the two walls.

Inside the farm there are two cabins, the one in the image is the north cabin.

Inside we will see the pack animal feeder and a cupboard at ground level. In one of the stones of the cabin we can see the date of construction engraved (1898).

You may also be interested in: dry stone art

What to do

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(a 1.1 Km)

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Cooperativa la Fraternal de l'Albagés

L'Albagés (a 6.1 Km)

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Where to eat

El Refugi

Valls (a 29.2 Km)

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Prades (a 9.1 Km)

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