Cantilafont Festival in Lluçanès

From 12/07/2024 to 13/07/2024
Olost (Castell d'Olost)

The Cantilafont is a cultural and gastronomic festival that takes place in Lluçanès promoted by the Voraviu Produccions Culturals Association and that seeks to highlight ruralities and culture.

Two days, July 12 and 13, where culture, music, movement arts, territory, gastronomy and sustainability come together. Every year, the event highlights the natural and rural spaces of Lluçanès, and is committed to a global experience with reduced capacity, which includes musical proposals and quality performing arts shows.

Furthermore, with the intention of giving value to proximity and prioritizing the enjoyment of the public and the space, the festival promotes local products, promoting an event that is respectful of the environment and suitable for all ages.

The festival has recently won the Sustainable Cultural Management award granted by the Association of Cultural Management Professionals of Catalonia.

The latest edition of the Cantilafont festival was held in Sant Feliu Sasserra.

And this 2024, the festival will travel again and will take place at the Castell d' Olost. Thus celebrating the 10th edition of the Festival!

Are you going to miss it?

What to do

Centre d’Interpretació de la Bruixeria

Sant Feliu Sasserra (a 7.1 Km)

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MEV, Museu d'Art Medieval

Vic (a 14.4 Km)

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Turisme del Berguedà

(a 9.9 Km)

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Turisme Lluçanès

(a 4.2 Km)

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Where to eat

Restaurant Dachs

Les Llosses (a 19.5 Km)

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Cal Candi

Vilada (a 22.3 Km)

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Restaurant Gust Picant

Berga (a 24.6 Km)

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Bar Restaurant Xato

Gironella (a 18.8 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Can Pamplona

Vic (a 13.7 Km)

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Can Masover Xic

Lluçà (a 10.3 Km)

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Càmping Riera de Merlès

Borredà (a 14.8 Km)

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La Rovira

Sagàs (a 12 Km)

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