The Living Nativity Scenes in Catalonia 2024

The Living Nativity Scenes in Catalonia 2024

During the Christmas holidays , towns, cities and neighbourhoods in Catalonia create authentic spectacles with representations of living nativity scenes.

The first documents in Catalonia that attest to the staging of living nativity scenes date back to the 14th century, but it was not until the late 1950s that the concept of the living nativity scene was transformed into the one we know today.

In recent years, this Christmas tradition has become one of the essential activities to enjoy with the family and discover the outdoor performances that represent the birth of the baby Jesus in authentic postcards and in which the visitor can walk in the middle of the scene and interact with the actors.

All the nativity scenes have the birth in the stable as their main theme. And they are always accompanied by endless dramatisations about the arrival of Their Majesties the Three Wise Men, the daily life of the Catalan Trades and Shepherds, the flight to Egypt, the Romans and above all a good Caganer.

The representations are characteristic and unique in each town and city, since the heritage elements of each place are taken into account to create the route of the living nativity scene. Thus, we can find the nativity scene inside a natural cave, scenes of angels flying over cliffs, guided nativity scenes, others with music and dances of the period... the offer is rich and diverse.

When the streets begin to fill with lights, magic and frost , it is time to enjoy the Living Nativity Scenes throughout Catalonia.

When are Christmas holidays in 2024?

Different representations of each Living Nativity scene are held, the dates of which vary depending on the Christmas holidays.

The most important Christmas celebrations in Catalonia are:

Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24, 2024)

Caga Tió, where children hit a log with sticks while singing songs so that the Uncle “poops” sweets and gifts.

It is a tradition that fills homes with laughter, excitement and the Christmas spirit. Families usually gather to share a hearty dinner, often based on traditional dishes such as escudella and carne de olla.

Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25, 2024)

escudella con galets" and a roast chicken or stuffed capo, accompanied by nougat and wafers. It is a day dedicated to sharing special moments with loved ones, exchanging gifts and keeping deep-rooted traditions alive.

St. Stephen's Day (Thursday, December 26, 2024)

St. Stephen 's Day, exclusive to Catalonia, is a much-loved day that offers the opportunity to continue sharing moments with family. The dish par excellence of this day is cannelloni, which is traditionally made with the leftovers from the previous day's roast. This day symbolizes the continuity of Christmas celebrations and allows the festive spirit to be prolonged.

New Year's Eve (Tuesday, December 31, 2024)

cava and the traditional twelve grapes, which are eaten to the rhythm of the midnight bells to bring luck for the following twelve months. The party continues with dancing, music and celebrations until the early hours of the morning.

Beginning of the New Year (Wednesday, January 1, 2025)

New Year's Day, is characterized by being a day of rest and reflection. After the party the night before, families take this day calmly, making a more relaxed meal. It is a time to recharge energy and start the year with renewed purposes and good energy.

Three Kings Parade (Sunday, January 5, 2025)

The day before Three Kings' Day is one of the most eagerly awaited days for the little ones. The Three Kings' Parades, full of lights, music and spectacle, fill the streets of all Catalan towns with the arrival of Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar. The children wait excitedly for the moment to see the floats parade, throw letters with their wishes and collect sweets while the expectation grows.

Three Kings' Day (Monday, January 6, 2025)

Three Kings' Day brings the Christmas festivities to a close. After the magical night in which the Three Wise Men have left gifts in homes, families gather to eat the traditional roscón de Reyes (Kings' cake ), which hides a bean and a figurine. Whoever finds the figurine is crowned king of the party, while whoever finds the bean must pay for the roscón the following year. This day joyfully closes the cycle of festivities, until the following year.

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