'El so de les cases' in Vic

From 31/05/2024 to 02/06/2024

'El so de les cases' is a project that combines two of the most relevant elements of the city of Vic, architectural heritage and music.

It was born in 2016 with the aim of offering a different cultural experience to citizens, giving them the opportunity to discover spaces usually closed to the public and also small-format musical performances designed for each of the houses that are part of the program.

This new edition offers a wide range of spaces (interiors, terraces, gardens, towers...) and also music (classical, pop, indie, funk, salsa, jazz, folk...).

This pairing between heritage and culture, between houses and music, allows visitors and spectators to enjoy some secrets reserved only for good occasions.

Check all the programming!

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What to do

MEV, Museu d'Art Medieval


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Where to eat

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Where to sleep

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