Salàs de Pallars

Province: Lleida | Shire: Pallars Jussà | Inhabitants: 334 | Extension: 20,3 Km2 | Altitude: 573 m

Salàs de Pallars is located in the so-called Cuenca Alta de Tremp, between the towns of Pobla de Segur and Tremp, in Pallars Jussà, at 573 m. above sea level.

It currently has a population of between 330 and 350 inhabitants, who are basically dedicated to the service sector, distributed among the population itself, La Pobla and Tremp. Agriculture and livestock still have some importance in the population, with various livestock farms.

The different political circumstances have shaped the town's urban structure, organizing a fortified nucleus (closed town) around some streets and a porticoed square.

Another important feature of Salasenc urbanism is the creation of a street exclusively dedicated to fair activity with the construction of the fair grounds, unique structures in the Catalan geography and that served to shelter the animals that were sold.

What to do

El Tren dels Llacs

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Licors Portet 1883

La Pobla de Segur (a 4.7 Km)

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Apiferro Mel crua del Montsec

Tremp (a 20.6 Km)

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Where to eat

Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 29.8 Km)

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Hotel-Restaurant Port d'Àger

Àger (a 29.5 Km)

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Where to sleep

Can Fasersia

La Pobla de Segur (a 4.7 Km)

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Roch Hotel - Restaurant

Sort (a 29.8 Km)

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Casa de colònies Vagons d’Àger, Fundesplai

Àger (a 24 Km)

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Les Brases

Sort (a 27.8 Km)

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FeMAP, Early Music Festival of the Pyrenees in Tremp

27/07/2024 ...

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FestaSalt in Gerri de la Sal


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Children's/family escape room at the Baix Pallars Salt Museum

Museu de Gerri de la Sal (Baix Pallars) (a 16.3 Km)

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5 €

Visit the Gerri del Baix Pallars Museum

Museu de Gerri de la Sal (Baix Pallars) (a 16.3 Km)

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Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 37º
Min 19º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 38º
Min 20º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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