Caldetes' literary route

Caldetes' literary route

Have you been algunz time in Caldes d'Estrac and know its literary past? Did you know that Catalan artists, big name, spent some time in this town? And that, they inspired by the people,? Wrote and dedicated several works in Caldes?

A literary tour gives you the answers to the following questions. And also allows you to discover the spaces and places of Caldes d'Estrac, municipality which was the destination chosen by Apel · les Mestres, Verdaguer, Joan and Josep Palau Maragall to spend long periods and spend the summer. These four characters with a common denominator, poetry, mark the drive shaft of the visit to the different areas of Caldetes and become the main protagonists.

A route that allows you to walk in Caldes d'Estrac from a different perspective than usual and coincides considerably in April.
So, coinciding with the celebrity of Sant Jordi and the day of the book you have the perfect excuse to make this literary tour for discovering the coastal village of Caldes d'Estrac and delve into the lives of some notable artists of Catalan culture.

Palau Foundation The route starts at the Palau Foundation in the art center of Caldes d'Estrac , which has adopted the name of the artist Josep Palau i Fabre and is located in the center of town in a building of Riera.

Josep Palau i Fabre was born in Barcelona but lived in Caldes d'Estrac , where he is buried. He was the creator and publisher of Poetry magazine and in 1989 he received the Cross of Sant Jordi granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

This foundation, which opened in 2003 and which he himself presided, shows clearly this artist in its many facets, poet, playwright, short story writer and essayist. The foundation has also a room dedicated to Pablo Picasso as Josep Palau established a friendship with him.

This foundation has become the emblem and the starting point for the other three had illustrious presence in Caldes d'Estrac : Verdaguer, Apel · les Mestres and Joan Maragall.

The Caldetes of Jacinto Verdaguer In Caldes d'Estrac also did stay, at various times, a great poet, Verdaguer. This always nicknamed Caldes d'Estrac as Caldetes.

The displacement of this population Verdaguer was as a result of his first cousin, Joaquim Salarich lived in Caldes and visited often. Also, when he went to the city, not to abuse the hospitality of their families, Verdaguer was staying at the inn Borras found on Calle Sant Pere.

When started Verdaguer Caldes population visits began to be frequented by many tourists. And many burghers had in mind to build there their second homes to spend short periods.

That did the Marquis of Comillas, built a house designed by the architect Josep Oriol Mestres and Verdaguer poet himself accompanied him in the supervision of works. On one such occasion he wrote the poem "Vora the sea."

Verdaguer on their visits to Caldes d'Estrac advantage for walks and excursions in the surroundings of the town, the hermitage of Remei Arenys de Munt, Can Milans, the Sanctuary of Mercy, among others. And it is in this town and its surroundings where he found the inspiration, why are so many writings with references to Caldes.

Drawings Apel · les Mestres Apel · les Mestres, the Catalan versatile artist born in Barcelona in 1854, established also a link with the municipality of Caldes d'Estrac . This motivated by its first sea bathing population summer spent long periods in Caldes Fonda hosted in Borras, specifically, between 1885 and 1897. In this setting, as we have said, is also staying Verdaguer.

Also, the main reason Apel · les link to this city was the house he built his father the Marquis of Comillas in Anglesos dels ride.

In his visits to Caldes advantage to create different drawings then accompanied his literary works. For example, a drawing which shows a donkey who is talking to a dog is framed in Caldes. This was noted the window at him, and corresponds to a Gothic window that is still preserved today, in house number 1 Church Street.

Maragall footprint Joan Maragall was one of the many tourists who visited Caldes d'Estrac in order to cure their ailments with the thermal waters of the municipality.

Initially the family was staying at the hotel Providència but soon settled into a village house located, specifically in the Pau street number 20. This house had an indoor garden that matches the current Anglesos dels ride.

Maragall advantage stays in this county to write. Among his poems include "You saw the sea", "dress them Seguit of sea", "Seqüències" and "Pi d'Estrac", all set in Caldes inspiration. For example, the poem "Pi d'Estrac" was inspired by the place where his friend Salvador Maragall and Albert kept conversations.

His presence in the town was so well received that there is a park with his name, Maragall park, which houses a bust of the poet. From the park you can see the impact of the spas in the city.

Also, the link of this poet with Caldes and installing favored Palau Foundation is organized in the population, each year, the festival 'poetry i + "in which over a month are carried out in various acts Caldes related poetry.

Pi d'Estrac

Pi d'Estrac is a poem written by Joan Maragall by September 1910. For its preparation made several trips with the family in the place. (Joan Maragall). jpg

Com pi Aquest Aquell és a cathedral
that the sea vora s'està secularment
i l'air bevent the colossal glass amb llum
that travessa mai sun, nor the pot moure the vent.

Beu immobil one remor amb els equal air
to that in the playa ressona eternalment,
i llença a l'ombra in time migdial
posant Fredor i tenebra to cut the ardent day.

Jo, a l'when the sixth, m'hi solc aixoplugar
of the deadly touch of the sun Roent d'estiu,
i veig the calda terra starter tremolar
entorn, ia on sat milers d'Aucells, i enllà
the sea, shining i riu.

Joan Maragall (1910)


What to do

Balneari Titus

Arenys de Mar (a 2.7 Km)

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Fundació Palau

Caldes d'Estrac

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Base Nàutica Arenys de Mar

Arenys de Mar (a 2.4 Km)

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Bosc Vertical

(a 8.5 Km)

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Where to eat

Pura Brasa

Pineda de Mar (a 15.4 Km)

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La Calma, el Bellver

Tagamanent (a 29.5 Km)

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Where to sleep

Can Mora de Dalt

Sant Vicenç de Montalt (a 2.3 Km)

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Pineda Splash - 30º hotels

Pineda de Mar (a 15 Km)

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Campus Can Benet Vives

Tordera (a 12.6 Km)

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Càmping Roca Grossa

Calella (a 10 Km)

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