
Province: Tarragona | Shire: Conca de Barberà | Inhabitants: 120 | Extension: 29,0 Km2 | Altitude: 705 m

The municipality of Conesa is fully located in the Segarrenco plateau of Conca de Barberà and brings together the uninhabited areas of Sabella, Torlanda and Saladern.

The old town was declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN) by the Government of Catalonia in 2011. On December 8, 1043, Ramon Berenguer I gave it a population letter and in his will, from 1076, the castle of With that. Jaime I gave it the name of town in 1260 and granted it a weekly market. In 1390, Juan I authorized a Jewish quarter of 10 houses, located in Ravalla street.

The Monastery of Santes Creus had jurisdiction for 550 years, from 1285 to 1835, which with the confiscation of Mendizabal, the monks left these lands. Abbot Jerónimo Contijoch rebuilt the Delmera house on the new castle or mansion of the Montpaó family. In the 14th century it reached its highest point with 650 inhabitants and today there are just under a hundred living.

Conesa, is located between two streams that carry the waters towards the Corb Valley, with forests of pines, oaks (they call them Pyrenean oaks), beeches and maples. Today only cereals (wheat and barley) are grown, although years ago there were vineyards, hazelnut trees, flax and saffron.

The ground plan of the town is almond-shaped, closed by the Wall that makes up the same houses in its rear part. The facades face the interior streets that run almost parallel to the Wall.

Its narrow and steep streets fully preserve the medieval air of the time in which they were built. Currently, old and worked stones, modernist tiles and colorful sculptures are mixed in different corners of the town.

Nearby you can make beautiful excursions through forests and fields that change color depending on the time of year. 42km of well-signposted routes will facilitate walks through different corners of the term.

What to visit

The medieval town of Conesa is defined by a fence, perfectly delimited by a defensive wall. The only openings are two portals that facilitated control by the lord. The urban structure is an example of a circular model, following the contour lines, with the castle in the highest area.

The church is located at an angle, taking advantage of the bell tower as a defensive tower, a typical element of northern Italy and Catalonia. The wall is doubly reinforced by the existence of two torrents that largely surround it. The Casa de la Villa was built on Calle Mayor, which linked both portals.

The road structure comprises a single street, which goes from behind the castle to the town square, although it takes different names, maintained over the centuries; Ravalla, de Dalt, de la Font and Major. There are three cross streets and three dead ends or dead ends.

The unevenness means that in some alleys we find stairs, and with the use of the ground we can easily imagine the Medieval Conesa.

to conesa the beauty

Conesa, like many towns and villages, has a reputation, "the beauty", although the conesinos accept the two variants: "the old age" and "the beauty". Normally we write this adjective with "b", to highlight its attractiveness, as it appears written in the "Romancer" of Milan and Fontanals.

«From Conesa, beauty;
de Segura, the measure;
from Savalla, the half-quartan;
gamberos in Guimerà».

("Romancer" - Milan and Fontalals)

However, the locals also accept the reputation of "old age" for its history and antiquity, already referenced since the beginning of Catalonia, and when the finds of fossils, Iberian tombs, Roman clay, Gothic and Arabic place names are a good example. that speak of many centuries of population in these lands.

Places of interest

  • Portal of Santa Maria
  • Main Square
  • House of the Villa and museum the Oven of Bread
  • Church of Santa Maria
  • Cal Gallard
  • Coffee Syndicate
  • call jewish
  • Font Vella
  • Portal Real or San Antonio
  • public laundry
  • Term Cross
  • Hermitage - Sant Antoni Hospital
  • Evolution
  • Ca the endive
  • Orchard of the Friars
  • Bell tower and Corner of the Mosén

What to do

Castell de Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla (a 13.5 Km)

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Estol Verd Celler (Orien-tast)

Rodonyà (a 27.8 Km)

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Ruta Templera i Hospitalera

L'Espluga de Francolí (a 20.7 Km)

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Ingravita Rocòdrom

Igualada (a 27.7 Km)

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Where to sleep

Hotel Balneari de Vallfogona de Riucorb

Vallfogona de Riucorb (a 5.7 Km)

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Mas Baldrich / Petit Mas Baldrich

Querol (a 12.2 Km)

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El Molí Oleari

Montblanc (a 19.3 Km)

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La Torre del Codina

Tàrrega (a 15.1 Km)

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Carnival in Montblanc

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The Passion of Cervera

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Free visit to the Montblanc wall

Montblanc (a 19.1 Km)

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3 €

Monumental guided tour of Montblanc

Montblanc (a 19.1 Km)

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10 €

Weather forecast

Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 15º
Min 6º
Morning Weather forecast Morning
Evening Weather forecast Evening
Max 13º
Min 7º
Source: Dades Obertes de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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