Travel sustainably this summer

Travel sustainably this summer

Summer is one of the most anticipated times of the year, especially because it is when most people take the opportunity to disconnect from their routine and enjoy a well-deserved vacation. During this summer season, the days are longer and the temperatures are warmer, creating the perfect environment to explore new destinations and live unforgettable experiences. According to forecasts from the National Observatory of Outbound Tourism (ObservaTUR), 80% of Spaniards will take advantage of the summer months to travel, while 14% plan to do so.

However, it is important to remember that tourism, although beneficial to the economy, also has a significant impact on the environment and local communities. A study published in the journal 'Nature Climate Change' estimates that tourism is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In addition to GHG emissions, tourism contributes to the overexploitation of natural resources, the generation of waste and environmental pollution.

To minimize these negative effects, it is essential that travelers adopt sustainable travel practices that reduce their negative impact on the environment and promote positive interactions with local cultures and economies. Here are five practical ways to travel sustainably this summer.

Use efficient means of transportation

Transport represents more than 75% of CO2 emissions from tourism, according to the report 'CO2 emissions from the tourism sector corresponding to transport', published by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Luckily, there are numerous strategies to minimize this impact without sacrificing travel quality. Although all modes of transportation consume energy, some are significantly more efficient and cleaner than others. Planes and cars, in particular, tend to be the least efficient means of transport in terms of CO2 emissions per passenger. Therefore, it is important for travelers to consider more sustainable alternatives, such as the train or bus. Furthermore, the rise of companies such as Ouigo has facilitated access to cheap high-speed trains, allowing travelers to travel to a wide variety of destinations in Spain in an economical and sustainable way.

Choose ecological accommodations

Another way to ensure your trip has a positive impact is to stay in accommodations that prioritize sustainability. Travelers should look for accommodations that have green certifications and sustainable practices, such as the use of renewable energy, efficient water management, and recycling. These types of actions not only enrich the travel experience, but also encourage cultural exchange and support the local economy, since most sustainable accommodations buy services from local suppliers.

Reduce the use of plastics

Today, single-use plastics are one of the biggest environmental problems in the world. Travelers can help reduce this problem and make travel more sustainable by bringing their own reusable bottles, avoiding the use of plastic bags and opting for products with less packaging during their summer holidays.


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